Horizontal Sessions

Horizontal Session 1: Strategies for Visual Scientific Communication
Speakers: Marco Neves, NOVA FCSH
Abstract: Visual communication elements as resource for effective transmission of scientific results. Graphic design principles and their connection with main media used in academic research.

Horizontal Session 2: Design Thinking
Speakers: Guilherme Victorino, NOVA IMS
Abstract: Design thinking is about believing we can make a difference, and having an intentional process in order to get to new, relevant solutions that create positive impact. Design Thinking gives you faith in your creative abilities and a process for transforming difficult challenges into opportunities for design.

Horizontal Session 3: Finishing My PhD: The Next 90 Days
Speakers: Joana Marques, FPUL
Abstract: This session focuses on the development of skills to understand, redefine and/or change the path of a professional career using a stabilised framework of career planning and also to explore how to establish professional relationships potentially interesting.

Horizontal Session 4: Leadership
Speakers: Pedro Sousa, FCT NOVA
Abstract: Doctors are used to work primarily as individuals, guarding their independence jealously.
They value autonomy highly, but leadership is about working with others.