f. InAmI Project [FP6-2004-IST-NMP-2-16788]

f. InAmI Project [FP6-2004-IST-NMP-2-16788]

Innovative Ambient Intelligence Based Services to Support Life-Cycle Management of Assembly and Manufacturing Systems

InAmI Project explores how a combination of existing technologies, namely ambient intelligence and semantic-based knowledge management, can promote collaboration to support industrial installations and manufactured products. 

Manufacturing companies need to improve competitiveness and strengthen market position. This pressure demands strong collaboration from all actors involved in the product or production value chain. However, manufacturing industry is still missing the necessary support, in methods and tools, to achieve efficient collaboration strategies.

InAmI is focused on eCollaboration: collaboration among individuals engaged in a common task using electronic technologies, to provide services supporting access to relevant information and knowledge through a common interface for different agents along the production process.

The project’s rationale consists in a human-centric approach, involving all the actors interacting with a product: parts or machines suppliers, producers, service providers and customers. This approach is based on an effective use of information and knowledge, in virtual and/or distributed environments, i.e. for all actors in the extended enterprise.

To achieve these strategic objectives InAmI produced the following results:

  • InAmI Methodology on how to set the most appropriate collaborative working environment in manufacturing companies.
  • InAmI Collaborative Platform for efficient creation of new and update of existing collaborative services to support assembly and manufacturing systems and products.
  • Set of ambient intelligence industrial needs to support collaborative working environments in manufacturing.


Project coordinator: Rui Neves-Silva - UNINOVA (r n s @ f c t . u n l . p t)